Cementitious type of Rammed Earth in Feather Coat

Traditional rammed earth uses local soil and aggregate mixed with lime, and is compacted manually. Although it has a certain texture, it also has its disadvantages, such as high material usage, slow construction, poor weather resistance, lack of waterproofing, and is not suitable for the island climate of Taiwan.

With the above considerations, Bonddex has developed a special thin-layered rammed earth material based on special cement, which not only retains the texture of rammed earth but also offers superior physical properties with minimal material usage, resulting in faster construction and more cost-effective pricing.

This material is a composite of special low-alkali, low-shrinkage high-early-strength cement, quartz aggregate, various inorganic pigments, additives, and more. During construction, the material is mixed with ARC-76 (diluted three times with water) to achieve the appropriate workability. Skilled craftsmen then use a trowel or spray gun to apply the rammed earth in a planned manner.

This coating possesses multiple advantages such as colorful appearance, high adhesive properties, low shrinkage, weather resistance, salt resistance, and high water impermeability, without the risk of efflorescence.

Suitable for landscaping, walls, indoor and outdoor surfaces, and more.

Substrate Requirements:

Concrete or mortar substrates are acceptable. Concrete substrate should be very smooth; otherwise, a full groundwork is required. Groundwork should not crack, and the strength should be above 2000 pounds without hollowing.

Substrate Strengthening:

Use acrylic primer diluted with water and directly spray. For traditional mortar base, use approximately 0.5 to 0.8 liters per square meter, while concrete generally requires 0.25 liters per square meter.

Color Planning and Construction:

After complete drying, plan according to the design aesthetic, then apply with a trowel or suitable tool by skilled craftsmen.

Mixing and Quantity:

On-site, mix rammed earth powder with ARC-76 (acrylic resin) diluted three times with water for suitable workability. When sprayed, the flow resistance of the material needs to be adjusted. On average, use between 5 to 8 kilograms of rammed earth material per square meter, with a thickness between 2.5 to 3.5 millimeters.

Surface Protection Upon Completion:

Upon completion, apply a comprehensive matte, transparent acrylic waterproof sealant for protection, using an average of 0.3 liters per square meter during application.